Hamlet (2010) Venue: The Ravine Director: Ashlee Wasmund Photos: Caitlin Honn Horatio interrogates the Ghost Claudius holds court O that this too too solid flesh would melt Laertes lectures Ophelia Polonius lectures Laertes The Ghost arises Hamlet fears the Ghost Ophelia works the audience “This is the very ecstasy of love!” Rosencrantz and Guildenstern kowtow to Gertrude Rosencrantz and Guildenstern stare on The Players! The Players perform! “O what a Rogue and Peasant Slave am I.” “And by opposing, end them.” The Dumb Show! Ophelia’s madness Laertes is furious Claudius turns Laertes’ anger Ophelia’s flowers Ophelia sings Gertrude tells of Ophelia’s death The Grave diggers! The Skull! “I knew him, Horatio!” “I prithee take thy fingers from my throat!” Claudius offers the poisoned drink The Fight! Charge! The final thrust “The point envenomed too?” “And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.” The End!