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Unrehearsed R&J Returns: October 16 & 24
Romeo & Juliet are back to make more terrible decisions! Catch Unrehearsed’s closing production this coming October! Atlantic Bar & Grill, 5062 N Lincoln Ave…
King John (2018)
New Photos from King John are starting to come in. You can see more as they arrive in the Photos Section.
Unrehearsed Returns to Scotch Tape!
May 25, 10pm, at the Playground Theater (3209 N Halsted St), Scooch Tap presents: Scotch Tape! Unrehearsed Shakespeare will be joining in the skylarking. And…
Master Class!
Unrehearsed will be holding a Master Class for experienced performers June 19th at 6:30pm. The signup deadline is Sunday, May 20, at 11:59pm. The Master…
King John is coming this July
Unrehearsed’s next show, King John, is coming your way July 10 and 17. Celebrate our nation’s independence (post-facto) by watching the Magna Cartographer stumble through…
Two Gentlemen of Verona Photos!
Venue: The Atlantic Bar & Grill Director: Jared McDaris Photos: iNDie Grant Productions
Eyes on Actors: Kate Lass
Let’s meet the supremely rad Kate Lass! Recent Unrehearsed roles Kate has scrolled include Auffidius in Coriolanus, and Sebastian in Twelfth Night. Q: What can the audience expect…
Eyes on Actors: Erin Caswell
Our first night of Two Gents is *exactly* a fortnight away! Let’s meet the undeniably cool Erin Caswell Brutscher, who gave us a tickling turn as…
Eyes on Actors: Jessica Goforth
TWO GENTS is but a fortnight away, let’s meet our intrepid players! Jessica Goforth, the ultimate warrior queen, has previously rocked the scroll with The Unrehearsed…
Two Gentlemen of Verona: April 10 & 17
“Didst thou but know the inly touch of love Thou wouldst as soon go kindle fire with snow As seek to quench the fire of…